Marwaha Conveyancing Australia

Want to Transfer Property Ownership?

Marwaha Coveyancers

Our expert knowledge will ensure there will be a smooth transfer of ownership between both parties.

  • Phone Numer +61 433 967 207
  • Emaill Address
  • WhatsApp 1235469445
  • Experience 12+ Years
Why Choose
Why choose us

Property Transfer was Never this easy

Our experienced legal professionals will guide you through the process and you can rest assured knowing that you are protected as the lawyer will be required to sign all documents relating to the transfer.

We assist you with the following

  • Explaining the process and helping you understand each step
  • Organise all the information to make sure that they follow all guidelines
  • Ordering title searches and optional searches
  • Your conveyancer will consult the lawyer at every stage, who will also help sort out any issues that may crop up. We will look after your interests during a property transfer.
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Transfer Made Easy

Your assets are precious. Let us help you keep them safe when your circumstances change. Whether through divorce, children growing older, illness or taxation reasons, transfer of property typically occurs at a time when your circumstances are changing. These changes can be stressful and we work hard to understand your concerns and answer any questions that arise from the property transfer process.

Understand the implications of property transfer. Transferring ownership of property does come with costs and complications. We provide advice on the stamp duty costs for your property transfer so that you enter the process with your eyes open. We take care of all of the paperwork.

What You Can Expect?

When you work with us we will take care of everything required of conveyancing.

  • Providing advice regarding the stamp duty payable on the proposed transfer.
  • Liaising with the existing mortgagee (if applicable).
  • Drafting the Transfer of Land document and the Notice of Acquisition.
  • Preparing the State Revenue Office online Duties Forms, used for the assessment of stamp duty.
  • Liaising with the incoming mortgagee (if applicable).
  • Preparing the electronic settlement workspace.
  • Sending copies of the Notice of Acquisition to council, water authority and the owners corporation (as applicable).
  • Submitting the Notice of Trust Acquisition to the State Revenue Office (if applicable).
  • Applying for a stamp duty refund for a first home buyer (if applicable).

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